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Many doctors even Toby Watkinson, DC in San Diego are saying that EMF directly effects your Th 17 cells. Those are your Thymus helper cells that are a major part of your immune system. When the Thymus is de-charged from EMF, the Th 17 cells become compromised, and so do you. Your body then becomes a gateway for health challenges.
  • 1 min read
Tom, as he asked me to call him by his first name, went viral in March 2020 with a 9 minute video. He said that we produce a virus ourselves, it is our adaptive system. Viruses are dead proteins, so there is nothing flying around to kill people.
  • 2 min read
EMF de-structures water. We need water to have a linear structure for us to absorb it. This man-made EMF is dehydrating us and our planet. There are no airplane modes or sleep modes for cell sites and SMART Meters. They just keep using copious amounts of electricity to power up 24/7.
  • 1 min read
Sleep is one of the most important functions of our body. Most will need up to 7-9 hours of deep quality, restorative sleep. Unless your brainwave state becomes low and slow at 1 or below 1 to 8 Hz or waves per second, you do not get that restorative sleep necessary for health and performance.
  • 1 min read
A SMART Meter is your new Gas & Electric meter that is now a two-way router. The Gas & Electric companies have cut thousands of jobs and saved millions on not having someone go check your usage. Instead, this SMART meter reads every device in your home and reports it back to the Gas & Electric company every 7-15 seconds with millimeter waves.
  • 2 min read
Dr. Barre Lando, Founder of conducted 3rd Party, independent waveform analysis on our Grounding Bags. Our blood is indicative of our Qi so a waveform test is actually more accurate and detailed, superseding blood analysis. Plus it is less invasive. The results are absolutely incredible. The Grounding Bags instantly, passively, clinically treated 67% to 90% of markers that were off. This is just by placing four Grounding Bags around his patients and one on their stomach area.
  • 3 min read